Saturday, December 26, 2009


A long time ago people had no factories and the pollution was less than nowadays. Water is a source of human life for animals and other living creatures. Some people do not care about infection of water and they only think about how to get money. Many manufacturers throw their waste in rivers and as a result humans get many diseases such as cancer. Moreover polluted water from industries can cause Although many poor people drink tainted water they do not understand the danger for their health. Scientists say that human bodies contain 80 percent of water. Imagine if the earth had no water. There would be no life on earth. Earth is covered by 70 percent of water . Every year more than 3.570 million people die because of diseases caused from unhealthy water. Human bodies take impure water by washing and showering.

Flow movie shows and discusses as the effects of water problems and how we can solve them. This movie is true about what's happening nowadays in our water system. The major countries that the film discusses are India, USA and South Africa. In India crops require 5-10 times the amount of water to produce the same amount of food so they use a lot of water to grow crops. It is expensive and too expensive for poor people to use traditional methods in India. Pathogens are found in water and cause heart diseases. 2 dollars In India can bring 10 liters of water per day. That money is enough for one person a year. Suez is damming the Ganges River to sell water back to Indian citizens at 10 times the price it had been. This caused a lot of people to die. There are 7600 community-built water harvesting projects in India that affect the living environment and living creatures. People in India try to protest against Coca-Cola Company. The state of California has 27 years of water left and this is enough even for poor people to drink water and distribute it to other poor countries. In America it is estimated that three out of four Americans drink bottled water. Nestle company market had produced 70 brands of bottled water. In South Africa the water in the river is most polluted so they use water tablets for cleaning water but the problem is a lot of people cannot afford the water tablet. Dirty water kills people much more than AIDS and wars. All of these factors lead poor people to drink water and after that death is waiting for them. Water is an important source for living so we need to take care of it for our health. Water is not money, it’s a life, You can save poor people from


"Beyond thirst: the global water crisis." Faces: People, Places, and Cultures Apr. 2009: P84. Student Resource Centre Gold. Web. 22 Dec. 2009.

"Problems: WATER SHORTAGES." Web of creation. Web. 22 Dec. 2009.

FLOW, For Love of Water. Dir. Steven Starr. The Group Entertainment, 2008. DVD.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Vocabulary log

1. Accommodation, noun, a residence, a place where you live.My accommodation in Abu Dhabi is a villa, but in Dubai it is a flat.

2. Achievement, noun, something difficult you succeed in doing.
Studying in HCT is a great achievement.

3. Advertisement, noun, a notice or display advertising something.
I like the advertisement in the newspaper.

5. Aspect, noun, point of view, facet; appearance, outlook; direction; action of a verb without relating to its time.
The photographer takes pictures in every aspect.

6. Audience, noun, a group of people who come to watch and listen to someone speaking or performing in public.
The audience was listening to the music.

7. Awarness, noun, knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation.
Culture awareness is an important subject.

8. Beautiful, adjective, lovely, pretty, gorgeous, attractive, fine.He's wearing beautiful boots.

9. Beneficial (adjective): having a good effect.Eating carefully+taking exercise are beneficial to your health.

10. Bosses, noun people who are in charge of an employee or organization.
Bosses should be respected in a polite way.

11. Buddha, noun, (born Siddhartha Gautama) Nepali religious leader and the founder of Buddhism (c.563-c.483 BC); spiritual teacher; person who has reached full enlightenment.
The buddha was a religion leader.

12. Bullying, verb, intimidate or persecute (someone weaker).
The stronger is bullying the weaker.

13. Capable, adjective, having the ability or quality necessary to do something. Open to or admitting of something.
I’m capable of passing.

14. Career, noun, profession; fast run, gallop.
Hassan is using his computer to promote his career..

15. Colleagues, noun, co-workker, fellow worker, workmate, teammate, associate, partner, collaborator, ally, confederate.
Every group in the class has different colleagues.

16. Committed (adjective): willing to work very hard at something. In the last 3 days, I was committed to picking my brothers up from the school.

17. Committee, noun, group of persons appointed or elected to act upon some matter of business, board, and council.
The business committee makes profit from the customers.

18. Competition, noun, rivalry, act of competing against another; contest.
The competition is between two teams.

19. Constructive, adjective, helpful, useful, promoting development; of construction.
The teacher is constructive to the student.
Always work hard to be a constructive student

20. Convenient, adjective, useful to you because it saves you time, or does not spoil your plans or cause you problems. The e-mail is convenient.

21. Customs, noun, duties, taxes; official procedure of inspecting merchandise and interrogating people coming into a country; location or place where this is carried out.
Each country has its own customs.

22. Disappear, verb, go out of sight; become extinct, cease to exist.
Suddenly, the thief disappeared.

23. Disappointment, noun, state of not have expectation fulfilled.
David E Bell pioneered the disappointment theory.

24. Dormitory, noun, living quarters for residents of an institution (i.e. university, etc.).
Every university should have a dormitory.

25. Dramatically, adverb, in a dramatic manner, in a theatrical manner.
The price of American cars had fallen dramatically.

27. Efficient, verb, effective, done without waste (of time, resources, etc.).
The student did his exam in an efficient time.

28. Eliminate, noun, remove, gets rid of.
Atlantic club eliminated Al Ahli club in the world clubs cup.

29. Enough, noun, adequate amount, sufficient degree.
I don’t have enough money.

30. Especially, adverb, particularly, specifically.
I like many subjects especially math.

31. Expatriates, noun exile, group of a person who lives in a foreign country.
Expatriates had stolen my business.

32. Foreigner, noun, person from another country, stranger.
Foreigners are disrespected by local people.

33. Furthermore, adverb, in addition to, moreover, additionally.
Furthermore, the human resource course will start next semester.

34. Harmony, noun, unity, agreement, accord; pleasing balance, symmetry; pleasing combination of tones (Music).
Each music has a different harmony.

35. Hygiene, noun, branch of science which promotes the preservation of health and the prevention of illness; practices which promote health and cleanliness.
Good hygiene is important for good health.

36. Immigrant, noun, person who moves to a country to take up permanent residence, one who settles in a new country.
Immigrants are people who move to another country to live permanently.

37. Individual, adjective, single, distinct, sole; of a particular person; unique, special, characteristic.
I am an individual student.

38.intelligence,noun, ability to understand; cleverness.
Very often, the quieter a person is the more intelligence he has.

39. Interpret, verb, explain, clarify, elucidate; orally translate from one language to another; understand or explain in a particular way; act out a part in a particular fashion.
The man didn't understand English so we interpreted for him.

40. Kindergarten, noun, nursery school, school for children between the ages of 4 and 6.
Young children are happy to enter the kindergarten.

41. Kindness, noun, the state or quality of being kind.
Kindness to animals as a good think.

42. Knowledge (noun): the information, skills, and understanding that you have gained through learning or experience. Capability = skill + equipment + knowledge.

43. Literacy, noun, ability to read and write; education; familiarity with a particular subject or field.
Literacy meas being able to read and write.

44. Luxury, adjective, of or pertaining to luxury, providing luxury.
My father had bought a luxury car.

45. Ambulance, noun, a vehicle used to take a sick or injured person to hospital.
The ambulance helped the injured person.

46. Attract, verb, to draw by appealing to the emotions or senses, by stimulating interest, or by exciting admiration; allure; invite: to attract attention; to attract admirers by one's charm.
Shops attract people to buy.

47 . . . . available, adjective, accessible, usable, handy, buyable.
Many 4-WD vehicles are available in the U.A.E.

48. Development, noun, evolvement, gradual growth, evolution, maturation; progression.
Drama reached its highest development in the plays of Shakespeare.

49. Comparison, noun, pointing out of similarities and differences; similarity, likeness.
There are comparisons between birds and frogs.

50. Enormous, adjective, very large, immense, huge.
My brother had seen enormous animals.