Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Log book for Salem and Rashid

Date: 11.4.2010 and 18.4.2010
Time: 1:05 PM and 11:15 AM
Venue: F25.
Presenters: Salem and Rashid
Subject: Stop Smoking

Slides: 8.
Rashid and Salem slides showed 8 slides. The subject was about stopping smoking. The slides showed many side effects for the body such as; cancer, lung damage, and heart attack. The slides contain important information. Also the slides were clear to the audience. Rashid was reading from his mind instead of reading the written content.

Body language: Rashid was amazing in his presenting although his friend Salem was absent. Salem also came after Rashid and he was good at presenting. Rashid and Salem were facing the audience very well so they used eye contact well. I think that the main idea of the presentation was clear and it had a good target. Salem and Rashid presented their presentation coherently.

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