Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Vocabulary meaning

Despite: Prep. In spite of; notwithstanding.

He was tolerant despite his background and education.
Ethnic: Adj. Different racial and social groups; of people from different countries.
The tourists watched the ethnic dancing.

Prior: Adj. Previous, earlier, preceding, antecedent, former
A prior agreement prevents me from accepting this.
Debate: Verb. Discuss or argue about.
When we left, the men were still debating.
Subsequent:Adj. succeeding, following, ensuing, happening after.
Subsequent to their arrival in Chicago, they bought a new car.
noun. A tool, utensil, or other piece of equipment.
We used garden implements to dig the sand.
Correspondence: noun. Exchange of letters; agreement; similarity .

There is some correspondence between the two parties.

Constrained: Adj. restricted; forced; artificial, unnatural.
His life had been constrained by habit to the same few activities and friends.
Emphasizes: Verb. make more obviously defined?
The teacher emphasized the importance of the project.

Immigrants: noun. A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
Those Immigrants are hard workers.
Outcome: noun. consequence, net result, upshot, after-effect, aftermath, conclusion, issue, end (product).
The outcome of the energy is to help you to play a lot.
Scheme: Verb. Plan, devise, plot; intrigue, conspire, contrive

Arrange according to a colour scheme.

Minority: noun. Smaller group as opposed to the majority; part of a population differing in some characteristic (race, sex, etc.); state of being under legal age.

Only a minority of the people live in the countryside.

Interactions: noun. reciprocal action or influence.
A lot of interactions happen between teachers and students.
Valid: actually supporting the intended point or claim.
He has a valid passport.
Convened: Verb. Come or bring together for a meeting or activity.
. He convened a secret meeting

Deduce: Verb. Arrive at (a fact or a conclusion) by reasoning.
I can't deduce this game?
Framework: Noun. An essential supporting or underlying structure.
The building will be made of concrete on a steel framework.
Dominated: Verb. have a commanding or controlling influence over.
The Russians dominated Iran in the nineteenth century.
Negated: Verb. Deny; refute, rebut, prove something wrong; neutralize; contradict.
He negates the political nature of education.
Sequential: Adj. characterized by a regular sequence, serial; successive, following, subsequent, consecutive.
The course assessments are sequential.

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