Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Log book

Date: 26.05.2010.
Time: 9:30 Am.
Venue: F52.
Presenters: Abdulla ALAmeri
Subject: Business idea called bankable dream.

Slides: 11

My presentation was good and clear; I explained about the ideas of creating a bank without using a lot of money and the solutions.

The body language was clear. I used my eye contact well. My speech was good and I also didn't use notepaper.
My slides were colorful, clear, and relevant to the presentation. My body language was clear and grammatical errors were few. I answered the questions well.

New Log book

Date: 23.05.2010.
Time: 10:40. AM
Venue: F52.
Presenters: Abdulla Masoud
Subject: Extension of animals.

Slides: 13

The presentation was clear; Abdulla explained his ideas of hunting in the world.
The body language was clear and he used his eye contact perfectly. His talking was quite good and he also used notepaper.
The slides were colorful, clear, and relevant to the presentation. Abdulla explained the problems and the solutions clearly.
The body language was clear but the grammatical mistakes were a lot.

Date: 25.05.2010.
Time: 1:00. PM
Venue: F52.
Presenter: Saoud Abdulla
Subject: Crimes In Dubai.

Slides: 11
The presentation was clear. Saoud explained the crimes in the UAE and discussed its problems and solutions. His body language good and
He used eye contact perfectly. Although he didn't used notepaper his explanation was good.

The slides were colored and clear. The presentation was relevant to the speech.

The body language was quite good and the grammatical mistakes were few.

Date: 25.05.2010.
Time: 1:25. PM
Venue: F52.
Presenter: Mohammed Alzabi
Subject: Issue of Obesity.

Slides: 14
The presentation was clear. Mohammed talked about how obesity is affected by lifestyle. His body language was good and he used his body language well. He didn’t use notepaper. The slides were clear and full of relevant pictures. There was little text written in the presentation. The slides were colorful and clear. The grammatical mistakes were few whereas the body language was good.

Date: 23.05.2010.
Time: 1:40. Pm
Venue: F52.
Presenters: Fahad Almosabi
Subject: Recycling Tires


The presentation was clear; Fahad explained his ideas of recycling tires.

The body language was clear; he used his eye contact perfectly and clearly. His speech was good he and he didn't use notepaper.
The slides were colorful, clear, and relevant to the presentation. Fahad explained the tires problems and the solutions clearly.
The body language was clear and grammatical mistakes were few.Fahad answered the questions well.

Date: 24.05.2010.
Time: 8:30. Am.
Venue: F52.
Presenter: Mohmmed ALHmadi
Subject: Population in Dhabi.


The presentation was clear; Mohammed explained his ideas about the population in Dubai.

The body language was and clear he used his eye contact well and clearly. His speech was goodand also he didn't use notepaper.
The slides were colorful, clear, and relevant to the presentation. Mohammed explained the population in Dhabi problems and the solutions clearly.
The body language was clear and grammatical errors were few. Mohammed answered the questions well as the teacher said.

Date: 24.05.2010.
Time: 8:46. Am.
Venue: F52.
Presenter: AlMonther
Subject: divorcing in UAE.


The presentation was clear; ALMonther explained briefly about divorce after getting married in the UAE.

The body language was clear and he used his eye contact well. His speech was good and also he didn't use notepaper.
The slides were colorful, clear, and relevant to the presentation. ALmonther explained the divorce in the UAE problems and the solutions clearly.
The body language was clear and grammatical errors were few. Mohammed answered the questions well, as the teacher said.

Date: 24.05.2010.
Time: 9:5. Am.
Venue: F52.
Presenter: Ahmed ALMnsoori
Subject: Soft drinks.


The presentation was not very clear; Ahmed explained about soft drinks and the solution of soft drinks and problems.

The body language was clear he and used his eye contact well. His speech was good and also he didn't use notepaper.
The slides were colorful, clear, and relevant to the presentation. Ahmed's body language was clear and grammatical errors were few. Ahmed answered the questions well.

Date: 24.05.2010.
Time: 9:20 Am.
Venue: F52.
Presenter: Rashid AlMnhali.
Subject: Egypt.

Slides: 10

The presentation was clear; Rashid explained about Egypt's problems and solutions.

The body language was clear and he used his eye contact well. His speech was good and also he didn't use notepaper.
The slides were colorful, clear, and relevant to the presentation. Rashid's body language was clear and grammatical errors were few. Rashid answered the questions well.

Time: 10:20 Am.
Venue: F52.
Presenter: Feisal Aldahri
Subject: Junk food

Slides: 13

The presentation was clear; Feisal explained about junk food and its problems and solutions.

The body language was clear and he used his eye contact well. His speech was good and he also he didn't use notepaper.
The slides were colorful, clear, and relevant to the presentation. Feisal The body language was clear and grammatical were few. Feisal answered the questions well .

Date: 25.05.2010.
Time: 10:40 Am.
Venue: F52.
Presenter: Mohmmed Alramsi
Subject: Hacker.

Slides: 10

The presentation was clear; Mohammed explained about hackers and what they did in real life and what is their problems and their solutions.

The body language was clear; he used his eye contact well. His speech was good and he didn't use notepaper.
The slides were colorful, clear, and relevant to the presentation. Mohammed's body language was clear and grammatical errors were few. Mohammed answered the questions well and there were a lot of questions.

Date: 25.05.2010.
Time: 12:32 Pm.
Venue: F52.
Presenter: Ahmed AlBraiky
Subject: Conjunction in the UAE

Slides: 11

The presentation was clear; Ahmed explained about traffic conjunction in the UAE and its problems and solutions.

The body language was clear and he used his eye contact well. His speech was good and he also he didn't use notepaper.
The slides were colorful, clear, and relevant to the presentation. Ahmed's body language was clear and grammatical errors were few. Ahmed answered the questions well and there were a lot of questions specially form the teacher.

Date: 27.05.2010.
Time: 8:30 AM.
Venue: F52.
Presenter: Mohsin Mohammed
Subject: Recycling paper

Slides: 11

The presentation was clear; Mohsin explained about how paper can be recycled and the steps of recycling.

The body language was clear and he used his eye contact well. His speech was good and he also he didn't use notepaper.
The slides were colorful, clear, and relevant to the presentation. Mohsin body language was clear and grammatical were few. Mohsin answered the questions well and there were a lot of questions especially from the teacher.

Date: 26.05.2010.
Time: 8:45 Pm.
Venue: F52.
Presenter: Abdulrahman bin Zaid
Subject: Problems of Smoking

Slides: 11

The presentation was clear; Abdurrahman explained about smoking and the problems and solutions.

The body language was clear and he used his eye contact well. His speech was quite good and he also he didn't use notepaper.
The slides were colorful, clear, and relevant to the presentation. Abdulrahman body language was clear and grammatical errors were few. Abdurrahman answered the questions well and there were a lot of questions specially from the audience.

Date: 27.05.2010.
Time: 8:55 Am.
Venue: F52.
Presenter: Salem almzrooi
Subject: Water conversation.

Slides: 11

The presentation was clear; Salem explained about the water build environment.

The body language was clear and he used his eye contact well. His speech was quite good and he also he didn't use notepaper.
The slides were colorful, clear, and relevant to the presentation. Salem;s body language was clear and grammatical were few. Salam answered the questions well and there were a lot of questions specially from the teacher.

Date: 27.05.2010.
Time: 9:15 Am.
Venue: F52.
Presenter: Sultan almrzooqi
Subject: Global warming.

Slides: 11

The presentation was clear; he clearly explained about the water environment.

The body language was clear he used his eye contact well. His speech was quite good and but the problem was he used notepaper.
The slides were colorful, clear, and relevant to the presentation. Sultan's body language was clear and grammatical errors were few. Sultan answered the questions well and there were a lot of questions specially from the teacher.

Date: 29.05.2010.
Time: 11:00 Am.
Venue: F52.
Presenter: Saif Alkhaili
Subject: Global Polution

Slides: 11

The presentation was clear;he clearly explained about global pollution and explained what it in air and water.

The body language was clear and he used his eye contact well. His speech was quite good he but the problem was he used notepaper.
The slides were colorful, clear, and relevant to the presentation. Saif's body language was clear and grammatical errors were few. Saif answered the questions well and there were a lot of questions specially from the teacher.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Log book for Fahad H00130970 & Mohd Hassan H00132994

Date; 11.04.2010

Time: 1100

Location: F52

Presenters: Fahad H00130970 & Mohd Hassan H00132994

Subject: Recycling Process.

Slides were colorful & informative. Mohd Hassan had a tendency to read the wording on the slides.

The slides were very good. The slides were colorful and had useful meanings. Fahad and Mohammed used eye contact very well. Moreover they didn't use notepaper. They spoke coherently and fast.

Body language: Fahad and Mohammed talked directly to the audience.
Their English was clear to understand. There were many questions in the presentation. The presentation was clear and interesting.

Log book for Saood H00131022 & Mohd Saleh H00128186

Date: 13.04.2010.
Time: 12:35.
Venue: F52.
Presenters: Saood H00131022 & Mohd Saleh H00128186
Subject: The UAE in the past.

Slides: 8.

The slides were quite good. The slides were colorful and had useful meanings. Saood and Mohammed used eye contact very well. Moreover they didn't use notepaper.

Body language: Saood and Mohammed talked directly to the audience.
Their English was difficult to understand. There were many questions, especially in this presentation. The presentation was clear and interesting.

Vocabulary meaning

Despite: Prep. In spite of; notwithstanding.

He was tolerant despite his background and education.
Ethnic: Adj. Different racial and social groups; of people from different countries.
The tourists watched the ethnic dancing.

Prior: Adj. Previous, earlier, preceding, antecedent, former
A prior agreement prevents me from accepting this.
Debate: Verb. Discuss or argue about.
When we left, the men were still debating.
Subsequent:Adj. succeeding, following, ensuing, happening after.
Subsequent to their arrival in Chicago, they bought a new car.
noun. A tool, utensil, or other piece of equipment.
We used garden implements to dig the sand.
Correspondence: noun. Exchange of letters; agreement; similarity .

There is some correspondence between the two parties.

Constrained: Adj. restricted; forced; artificial, unnatural.
His life had been constrained by habit to the same few activities and friends.
Emphasizes: Verb. make more obviously defined?
The teacher emphasized the importance of the project.

Immigrants: noun. A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
Those Immigrants are hard workers.
Outcome: noun. consequence, net result, upshot, after-effect, aftermath, conclusion, issue, end (product).
The outcome of the energy is to help you to play a lot.
Scheme: Verb. Plan, devise, plot; intrigue, conspire, contrive

Arrange according to a colour scheme.

Minority: noun. Smaller group as opposed to the majority; part of a population differing in some characteristic (race, sex, etc.); state of being under legal age.

Only a minority of the people live in the countryside.

Interactions: noun. reciprocal action or influence.
A lot of interactions happen between teachers and students.
Valid: actually supporting the intended point or claim.
He has a valid passport.
Convened: Verb. Come or bring together for a meeting or activity.
. He convened a secret meeting

Deduce: Verb. Arrive at (a fact or a conclusion) by reasoning.
I can't deduce this game?
Framework: Noun. An essential supporting or underlying structure.
The building will be made of concrete on a steel framework.
Dominated: Verb. have a commanding or controlling influence over.
The Russians dominated Iran in the nineteenth century.
Negated: Verb. Deny; refute, rebut, prove something wrong; neutralize; contradict.
He negates the political nature of education.
Sequential: Adj. characterized by a regular sequence, serial; successive, following, subsequent, consecutive.
The course assessments are sequential.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Log book for Mohammed Al Zabi and Sultan Almrzooqi

Date: 11.4.2010.
Time: 12:55 PM.
Venue: F25.
Presenters: Mohammed Al Zabi and Sultan Almrzooqi showed
Subject: Starting a new business.

Slides: 10.

Mohammed and Sultan showed 10 slides. Their presentation was about starting a new business. They talked about spending money and saving money. Also there are several steps for starting a new business. Mohammed said an important point is that a businessman's first loss is because he doesn't have experience in his business and after trying he may succeed in his business. Their slides were colorful, informative and interesting. They used written content.

Body language: Mohammed and Sultan talked directly to the audience.
They used notepaper. They used eye contact well. Their English was difficult to understand. There were many questions such as, what is the meaning of entrepreneur and they tried hard to find it but they couldn’t. The presentation was clear and interesting.

Log book Feisal Al Dhari and Saif Al Khiali

Date: 11.4.2010.
Time: 12:10 PM.
Venue: F25.
Presenters: Feisal Al Dhari and Saif Al Khiali
Subject: UAE in the past.

Feisal and Saif showed 15 slides about the UAE in the past. The pictures contained much information and black and white pictures because there were old pictures. The pictures were about: first Oil Company, fishing activities and samples of living. Faisal and Saif shared the work by dividing slides between them. Saif talked first and Faisal ended the presentation. The slides were not colorful because they were black and white. Information on the slides was too much but the presentation was good.

Body language: Feisal and Saif talked directly to the audience. They used note paper and they used it for a few minutes. They used eye contact very well. Their English was very good. There were many comments and questions. Saif and Feisal answered the questions together. The presentation was clear and obvious to the audience.

Log book for Salem and Rashid

Date: 11.4.2010 and 18.4.2010
Time: 1:05 PM and 11:15 AM
Venue: F25.
Presenters: Salem and Rashid
Subject: Stop Smoking

Slides: 8.
Rashid and Salem slides showed 8 slides. The subject was about stopping smoking. The slides showed many side effects for the body such as; cancer, lung damage, and heart attack. The slides contain important information. Also the slides were clear to the audience. Rashid was reading from his mind instead of reading the written content.

Body language: Rashid was amazing in his presenting although his friend Salem was absent. Salem also came after Rashid and he was good at presenting. Rashid and Salem were facing the audience very well so they used eye contact well. I think that the main idea of the presentation was clear and it had a good target. Salem and Rashid presented their presentation coherently.

Log book for Abdulrahman and Mohsin

Date: 11.4.2010.
Time: 11:25 AM.
Venue: F25.
Presenters: Abdulrahman and Mohsin
Subject: About UAE.

Slides: 15.

Abdulrahman and Mohsin showed 15 slides and their presentation was about the UAE. They showed us many things such as; fishing nets and boats. Abdulrahman explained most of the presentation and Mohsin took part in the presentation. The slides were not colorful because they were white and black. There was not information with pictures but the information was installed in their brains. The presentation was informative and interesting; they did not use written contact.

Body language: Abdulrahman and Mohsin talked straight to the audience. They didn’t use note paper. They used eye contact very well. There were many comments and questions from students after finishing their presentation. Their English was fast, clear and amazing. The presentation was good and clear. One problem is that Abdulrahman said a clear mistake in the presentation, that old life was easy rather than to say it was simple.

Log book for Abdulla Masoud and Ahmed Al Braiky

Date: 11.4.2010.
Time: 11:10 AM
Venue: F25.
Presenters: Abdulla Masoud and Ahmed Al Braiky
Subject: Water usage.


Abdulla Masoud and Ahmed Al Braiky showed 12 slides. Their main idea was about water usage. The presentation explained about how to reduce water usage and where most water is used. The slides showed that most water was used for washing and cleaning. Ahmed and Abdulla shared the work between them. Abdulla was hesitant and nervous whereas Ahmed was confident. The slides were colorful and interesting and informative. The problem is that they have too much written content.

Body language:
Abdulla and Ahmed talked directly to the audience. They had note paper. They used eye contact very well. There were many comments about water usage presentation. Moreover there were a lot of questions. Their English was quite good and the presentation was very clear.

Log book for Ahmed Ali H00130910 & Hedley.

Date: 30.03.2010.
Time: 12:23pm.
Venue: F25.
Presenters: Ahmed Ali H00130910 & Hedley.
Subject: Polluted cities worldwide.


Ahmed showed 10 slides with 10 cities about pollution in the world and the cities were Abu Dhabi, Berlin, Cairo, London, L.A, New Mexico, Paris, Santiago, Texas and one entitled World War Two.

Hedley then explained to us the 10 slides of the presentation with more details about the most polluted cities in the world. He showed us the pollution problems in Chinese, Russian & Indian cities and he did that online.

The slides were colorful, informative and interesting. It was just pictures with no written content.

Body language: Ahmed & Hedley talked directly to the audience. They didn’t have any note paper. They used the eye contact very well.

There were many comments and questions from the students during the presentation. Hedley answered all the questions very well.

The English was accurate & clear from both of them.

Log book for Abdulla Khalid and AlMunther

Date: 11.04.2010.
Time: 10:54pm.
Venue: F25.
Presenters: Abdulla Khalid and AlMunther
Subject: Toyota Company

AlMunther and I showed 11 slides. The presentation was about the Toyota Car Company. We showed the audience different kinds of cars such as, sport and saloon. The slides were colorful, interesting and exciting. The pictures did not have too much written content.

Body language:

AlMunther and I used note paper but we didn't use it too much.
The questions period excited most of the students who asked questions and we answered almost all the questions.

English language was clear and accurate. Both of us talked well.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Goals of the meeting :

The purpose of this meeting is to present the HCT to students, so they can know what facilities that they have in order to improve studying in HCT.

Moreover, how to increase their English language skills by letting them read English books because this is the key to improving learning English and to raise their level as high as they can.
The minutes of the meeting:
Date: 23-2-2010
Time: 12:55 PM
Place: F52
Attendance: Sultan Ahmed, Abdulla Khaled and Rashid Almeanhali.

Agenda: 1) Improve English skills.
2) Using technology products.
3) Helping the students to use other materials.
Rashid(chairman) called the meeting to order at 12:55 P.M.

What was said and what was decided? (Chairman).

Answer: Sultan and Abdulla said that students should make extra exercises and educational goals and staff should take them to educational trips. The chairman who is Rashid had decided to make for students exercises, educational goals and educational trips activity.

Agenda :

How to improve English skills
Do you agree or disagree about using technology in Hct
How do we help students in other materials?

Answers :
Sultan said that by practising writing, speaking and listening.
Rashid, Abdulla Khaled and Sultan agreed that using technology products in HCT was useful because they will increase their skills.
Abdulla said that a material that helps students is to take them on educational trips and take them to competition sports.

Chairmen: I think to improve English is by making exercises and educational games.
Abdulla and Sultan agreed because it will make the students attentive in class.
Abdulla agreed about taking them to educational trips . Rashid asked if their was A.O.B, There not being he closed the meeting at 4:00P.M.

I am the secretary who watched and listened at the meeting and I wrote the important points. The meeting was well done because of the organization of the meeting. I learned that discussion gives us hints and answers. We learned that a meeting must be working co-operatively in a group. The group consists of chairman, secretary and participant.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My friend Saoud

My name is Abdulla Khaled in this moment I am going to introduce my cute friend. His name is Saoud Abdulla. He's from the UAE. He was born in Abu Dhabi which is the capital city of the UAE. He has a big family which consists of twenty brothers. When Saoud has free time, he likes to read religious books and buy books. His leisure sport is football. Saoud likes to travel in only one place which is Oman with his family because he likes to visit his relatives there. Saoud likes the rules in HCT. He thinks everything is well-organized. His negative feeling about HCT is that the college is too crowded. I can see saoud is a hard–working student because of the high marks is his tests. I think he is a smart boy because of the way he studies and memorizes.